Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Salvation Testimony

I decided that I would start my blog with my testimony. So, here I go.

In September of 2008, I had struggled with and was under some conviction about my salvation. I'd sort of prayed the "sinners prayer" (no one else really knew this, I don't think), over and over again, but I knew I wasn't really saved. I decided to begin reading the shorter books of the Bible as if someone was writing a personal letter to me. I only did it when no one was around; I didn't really want anyone to know. Then, around the end of September, my church was having revival survices. They were a week long and would last till the first Saturday in October. On Thursday night, October 2, the preacher was preaching from Ezekial 6, about the dead bones. At one point, he asked something like this: "If you're not saved, what's keeping you from it?" That caught me. I was under deep conviction. At the end of the service during invitation, I was struggling to keep from crying. I had already known everything that had to do with salvation, and sort of accepted it. This was different. Thankfully, Dad noticed me. He asked if I wanted to go forward. I said yes; I didn't care that other people saw me, I just knew I had to do something about this. So, we went forward, but I didn't really feel I could pray right then. Dad prayed that he and Mom would be able to help me. Then, we went home. Somehow (actually, I know how; it was the Holy Spirit), Dad and I were the last ones down by the garage. Dad started talking to me. Two of the things he said that stood out to me were these: Romans 10:9 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hat raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved," and that I needed to get this settled NOW before I was "out" of conviction. I went upstairs, readied for bed, and went in bed. I was totally drained, and prayed that I'd be able to fall asleep, yet that the Holy Spirit would still be convicting me. It wasn't very long before I fell asleep. I woke up at around 4:30, and knew now was the time. I prayed that He would forgive me and save me. Immediately, I knew in my heart that the matter of salvation was settled between me and God, and fell back asleep with a very sweet peace, knowing once and for all where I'd spend eternity.

Friday, November 27, 2009

my background

I just realized that my background says "merry christmas" on it. AHHH!!!! I hate it when there are so many Christmas comercials and programs this early, yet I have a background on my blog that says "merry Christmas!" Oh, well. I love the rest of the background, so I think I'll leave it up anyway.

First Post

Hello! I just started my blog, and it's very exciting! I'd like to thank my older sister, Jessika, for helping me get this started.