America began with God. Without God guiding the founders of the United States of America, there would be no U.S.A. And if we leave Him out of our hearts and lives, then this nation - as it is - will be no more. That is a scary thought.

Now, my family owns a book called "For You They Signed." (It is put out by This book has different sketches on the signers of the Constitution. It's a really good book.... Anyway, in the back of the is a speech of Patrick Henry, before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and I decided to share it. So, here it is:
Our Heritage of Freedom
These words will go forth to the world when our bones are dust. To the slave in bondage they will speak hope; to the mechanic in his workshop, freedom.
That parchment will speak to kings in language sad and terrible as the trumpet of the archangel. You have trampled on the rights of mankind long enough. At last, the voice of human woe has pierced the ear of God, and call His judgment down.
Such is the message of the Declaration to the Kings of the world. And shall we falter now? And shall we start back appalled when our free people press teh very threshold of freedom?
Sign! If the next moment the gibbet's rope is around your neck.
Sign! If the next moment this hall rings with the echo of the falling axe.
Sign! By all your hopes in life, or death, as husbands, fathers... as men with our names to the parchment, or be accursed forever!
Sign! Not only for yourselves, but for all ages, for that parchment will be the textbook of freedom, the Bible of the rights of man forever.
Sign! For the declaration will go forth to American hearts like the voice of God. And its work will not be done until throughout this wide continent not a single inch of ground owns the sway of privilege or power. It is not given to our poor human intellect to climb the skies, to pierce the councils of the Almighty One. But methinks I stand among the awful clouds wchich veil the brightness of Jehovah's throne. Methinks I see the recording angel - pale as an angel is pale - weeping as an angel can weep, come trembling up to the throne and speaking his dreadful message.
Father! The old world is baptized in blood.
Father! It is drenched with the blood of millions who have been executed, in slow and grinding oppression.
Father! Look! With one glance of thine eternal eye, look over Europe, Asia, Africa, and behold everywhere a terrible sight... man trodden down beneath the oppressor's feet, nations lost in blood, murder and superstition walking hand in hand over the graves of their victims, and not a single voice to whisper hope for man.
He stand there (the angel) his hand trembling with the human guilt. But hark! The voice of Jehovah speaks out from the awful cloud. "Let there be light again. Let there be a new world. Tell my people, the poor, the downtrodden millions, to go out from the old world; tell them to go out from wrong, oppression and blood. Tell them to build up my altar in the new.:
As God lives, my friends, I believe that to be His voice. Yes, were my soul trembling on the wing of eternity, were this hand freezing to death, were my voice choking with the last struggle, I would still, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember the truth God has given America to be free. Yes, as I sank down into the gloomy shadows of the grave, with my last gasp I would beg you to sign that parchment. In the name of the One who made you, the Savior who redeemed you, in the name of the Millions whose very breath is now hushed as, in intense expectation, they look up to you for the awful words "YOU ARE FREE."
We, as Americans, as Christians, ought to heed these words and, placing our trust in Christ. do our best to mantain the freedoms we enjoy today!!!!!!

(Sorry if it looks kinda funny... for some reason I couldn't get blogger to make spaces between paragraphs...)