What's Your Favorite~
Color? Hmm... It used to be red, but I'm not sure anymore.
Main dish? Probably grilled chicken... I really like it when it's really tender, grilled, and with lots of yummy spices... Including GARLIC!!! YUM
Dessert? Maybe ice cream cake....
Drink? I really don't know... Maybe sweet rasberry iced tea.
Veggie? Potatoes. Mashed, with plenty of garlic!!!!!!!
~Do You~
Go to Starbucks Coffee Shop? YUCK!!!! Why would I want coffee??????
Go to the mall a lot? Another big YUCK!!! I pretty much hate shopping... we mostly only go to the mall during Christmas.
Talk on the phone everyday to someone who is not family? Nope. Even if I had my own phone, I probably wouldn't. I might text, though.
Read you Bible everyday? I definately try. Right know, I'm doing a "challenge" to read it every day for a whole month... that month is almost halfway done, and I've only missed one day. I'm determined NOT to miss another.
Do lots of reading? Definately!
See your grandparents everyday? No... It would be nice if I could, though.
Bake a lot? Not really.
Clean your room everyday? I probably do.. but only because my I'm made to :)
Have to say your sorry to someone everyday? Well, not EVERY day.
~A Certain Thing You Dislike of Each Category~
Veggie? Okra... or brussel sprouts. BLAH
Color? Black. UGH. I hate it!!!! And the worst thing is... It's one of my older sister's fav colors!!!!
Drink? Tomato juice. I don't understand how people can drink that stuff! Oh, and coffee
Animal? Snakes
~Do You Have A~
Pet? Yes, a cat (Torri). And we also have a frog.
Gift card at the moment? Nope
Sewing machine? Well... It's not excatly mine, but yes, my family owns one.
Big mess under your bed? hmmm... I'm not sure. Probably not.
Pack of gum in your bag or purse? Again, I'm not sure. Most likely not, but I might.
Computer in your room? No
~Have You Ever~
Been on a plane? Yupe.
Been out of state? Yeah.
Been out of the country? Yes, but only to Canada.
Been in an eight-teen wheeler? I don't think so....
Been in a car accident? Um... I'm pretty sure I haven't
Read about a hundred and fifty page book in about an hour? No... I can't read that fast. I might conquer it in two, though.
~Your Favorite Place to ~
Go shopping? Book stores, grocery stores, and small clothing stores (if we only stay there for an hour or so.)
Eat out? Well... maybe Caraba's. Or Bravo. But I almost always get so nervous that I get nauseous... or worse.
Go visit? My grandma's. She lives up on a hill in the country, and it makes it feel like your the only one there. I love that feeling!!!
Read a good book at? Pretty much any place outside, if I can get comfortable. And especially if it feels like I'm the only person there.
What color is your room? The walls and ceiling? blank white. The carpet? a gray-blue color.
Do you share a room with anyone? Yes. My older sister. She usually talks, and talks, and talks, and talks, and talks, until she's kept me up half the night. :)
Have you ever went swimming in a pond? Um... I think maybe. Unless all the places I'm thinking of are rivers and creeks.
How old are you? 13 1/4
What year were you born? 1996
Are you related to anyone important or famous? Not that I know of.
Have you ever met a vice president? No
Are you getting bored yet? Kind of
What are you thinking? I'm thinking, "Is there still enough light, and should I go outside and read my book, finish this tag and blog somemore, or sit down and watch the TV with Dad, and three of my sisters?"
~Who You Will Tag~
Anyone who wants the tag.
In Christ alone,

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