Of course, there were activities. A climbing wall, obstacle course, high jump, shooting range, paintball, a few blow-ups, shot put (I really have no idea if that's really how it's spelled :D), volleyball, basketball, football, carpet ball, etc. I did not do them all :). I did end up doing the climbing wall, obstacle course, and shooting range. My little sister, though, won both the girl's fastest time on the obstacle course and the girl's best jump for the high jump.
Okay, now we get to the really good part - the preaching and singing. The Clark family sang quite a bit, the BBC York ensemble and their pastor's trio sang, and so did Kenny Baldwin. All awesome. And for the preaching, Charlie Clark, Mike Clark, Tim Ruhl, and Kenny Baldwin preached. Again, really awesome. All awesome preachers, awesome and practical messages. The theme this year was "Protect His house... I WILL!" I really learned a lot.
The most amazing session of it all was the last session. First, Bro. Mike Clark preached on being a Phinehas. Phinehas, in Numbers 25, was bold for God, and did not tolerate sin. Bro. Clark also mentioned that his children would be blessed because of his boldness. Then, the Clark girls sang. They didn't remember all the lyrics to their song, and had to look it up on their phones. But they sang a song. I don't know what it was called, but it had a line in it that goes something like "I found it all when I lost everything." After they sang, Bro. Baldwin preached. He preached on total surrender. It was so amazing how everything from the previous message and the girls' singing just tied into each other!
I can honestly say, God really worked. Right now, I will do my best - with God's help - to apply what I learned this year. And I can't wait to learn more next year!
In Christ Alone,

P.S. - This is my 100th post!!!
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