Knock, knock, knock
"I wonder who that could be?"
"I suppose I'll go and check." (Rhoda)
Knock, knock, knock
"Hello? Who is there?"
"It is I."
delighted scream
"Rhoda, who is there? Are you alright?!"
"Oh, you'll never guess who's at the door! It's Peter!"
"You must be mad! Peter's been arrested."
"I am not mad! It's truly Peter!"
"That's impossible; it must be an angel."
"No, it is not. It is Peter."
"Well, if it is, then why isn't he with you?"
"Oh... I forgot to open the gate."
Meanwhile, at the gate, Peter is chuckling, knocking, and praising the Lord.
Another thing I came across, from Acts 13:8-12, how a sorcerer attempted to prevent Barnabas and Paul from telling the deputy about Christ. The neat thing is, is that the Lord caused the sorcerer to be blind, and because of this the deputy believed! Isn't that just amazing?
In Christ Alone,

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