Friday, December 11, 2009

Roller Skating

Just now, little sister Megan and I went in our basement to skate. We decided (tho it was just us two) to play tag. Let me tell you what happened; Megan told me to wait until she was away from me. I waited until she said "okay." I then found that she was right behind me! I tagged her, however, she said "Hey, Angie, that's against the rules! you have to go all the way around [the basement] and THEN get me." So, I TRIED to do just that. Again, though, she'd made the "base" a place that whenever I began to catch up with her, she'd go on base till I'd gone! I guess she just wanted to be silly ;)


Jessy Jones said...

a 13yr-old outsmartd by a 6yr-old in a silly (:P) game of tag. lol

Angie Gamgee said...

Yeah, well, I don't really think their was any way around it, unless I disobeyed her "rules"

Jessy Jones said...

o yes there wuz--ive gottn around it b4

Angie Gamgee said...

And how would I have gotten around it this time, eh?

Jessy Jones said...

& how am i suppose 2 explain that online? u wouldnt even undrstand me in person!!!

Angie Gamgee said...

Well, maybe I would... if you would type in CLEAR ENGLISH!!!!

Jessy Jones said...

no u wuldnt--ur 2 dumb. no, jk (but, u new tht of cors :P)