Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 15: A Person I Admire

There are many people I admire... my parents, pastor, and other people I know as well.


John Chingford said...

Hi Angela

I found your blog via the "Christian With A View" blog that you wrote a comment to.

I have looked at your blog and cannot help thinking how much you seem to love our Lord and the child like simplicity of faith you have. Whioh is exactly as Jesus told us it should be. DO NOT let anyone take that from you. Bless you.

I also agree with you that baptism does not save us. The scriptures are clear that we are saved by grace through faith, not of works (baptism?).

There is only one verse (that I can think of) 1 Peter 3:21, that could loosely imply that baptism saves us. However, is that verse saying that baptism saves us from our sins and gives us eternal life? No,

The golden rule is NEVER take an isolated verse to make a doctrine without checking the overwhelming teaching throughout the rest of the scriptures. If we interpret an isolated verse on its own we risk misinterpretation.

So if ONLY JESUS saves us then baptism clearly DOES NOT.

So what did that verse mean? There are a number of meanings for "save". In this case (in context) it is referring to our conscience. Saving us from our conscience. The act of baptism is an outward show that we are saved and a declaration from our souls. This declaration or confession releasing any sense of guilt we may still have and saves us from it.

If you are interested in checking out my blog entitled LAST DAYS WATCHMAN, which contains a lot of very useful information. You may first like to look at my label entitled "biblical truth" please go to:

God bless you
John Chingford

Angie Gamgee said...

Thank you!!